Nelly Ng Huei Ying
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former Research Assistant



  • N. Ng, L. Mancinska, Cristina Cirstoiu, Jens Eisert, S. Wehner. (2015). Limits to catalysis in quantum thermodynamics. New J. Phys. 17 085004
  • Fernando Brandao, Michal Horodecki, N. Ng, J. Oppenheim, S. Wehner. (2015). The second laws of quantum thermodynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 11
  • C. Erven, N. Ng, N. Gigov, R. Laflamme, S. Wehner, G. Weihs. (2014). An Experimental Implementation of Oblivious Transfer in the Noisy Storage Model. Nature Communications 5 3418
  • N. Ng, S.K. Joshi, C.M. Chia, C. Kurtsiefer, S. Wehner. (2013). Experimental implementation of bit commitment in the noisy-storage model. Nature Communications 3 1326
  • N. Ng, Mario Berta, S. Wehner. (2012). A min-entropy uncertainty relation for finite size cryptography. Phys. Rev. A 86 042315