A quantum island

Singapore has a thriving quantum ecosystem. There are more than 40 research groups in the city, 26 affiliated with CQT, as well as activity in startups, industry and agencies. The work happening spans quantum computation and simulation, quantum communications, quantum sensing and metrology, and upstream research.

The research community has come together in a ground-up initiative called Quantum SG that aims to build a vibrant quantum science and technology network. It represents the academic community across all of Singapore’s institutes of higher learning and research organisations – as summarised in the infographic below. The initiative's website lists all these groups in one place, linking to the groups’ homepages.

Quantum SG has also produced a report Quantum Technologies in Singapore – preparing for the future. Some key points are highlighted below. The full report can be downloaded from: quantumsg.org

Quantum SG is led by a committee with members who include CQT PIs. The group also organises meetings for quantum researchers in Singapore to share their work.

Quantum SG groups


Quantum SG report

The report Quantum Technologies in Singapore – preparing for the future, published in October 2019, reviews the local research landscape and presents 15 actionable recommendations as inputs for strategic planning. It was prepared through an open consultative process with members of Singapore's quantum research community. The executive summary states the view:

Maintaining a globally competitive research base will both support the development of a highly skilled workforce and create innovation. There are already early signs of research contributing to the local economy, through engagement with industry partners and the creation of spin-off companies. Considering the country’s active startup culture and excellent industrial base, we think Singapore could find an international role as a test-bed for deploying quantum applications.

To enhance the local research system, the report’s recommendations include increasing the number of PhD positions in quantum science and technology, providing more small grants for upstream research and seizing opportunities to join international research efforts. Download the report as a PDF to read more.