Elisabeth Rieper
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former CQT PhD Student


  • Karoline Wiesner, M. Gu, E. Rieper, V. Vedral. Information-theoretic bound on the energy cost of stochastic simulation.


  • Paul C.W. Davies, E. Rieper, Jack A. Tuszynski. (2013). Self-organization and entropy reduction in a living cell. Biosystems 111 1-10
  • M. Gu, Karoline Wiesner, E. Rieper, V. Vedral. (2012). Quantum mechanics can reduce the complexity of classical models. Nature Communications 3 762
  • Erik Gauger, E. Rieper, John J. L. Morton, S. Benjamin, V. Vedral. (2011). Sustained Quantum Coherence and Entanglement in the Avian Compass. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 040503
  • E. Rieper, J. Anders, V. Vedral. (2010). Entanglement at the quantum phase transition in a harmonic lattice. New J. Phys. 12 025017