Angelina Barbara Frank
Status: Alumnus (data might not be up-to-date)

Former CQT PhD Student


  • A.B.Frank, Justin Zhou, J. Grieve, Ivan Verzhbitskiy, José Viana-Gomes, Leyi Loh, Michael Schmid, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Goki Eda, A. Ling. Mode-center Placement of Monolayer WS$_{2}$ in a Photonic Polymer Waveguide.


  • Aveek Chandra, Wu Shuin Jian, A.B.Frank, J. Grieve. (2023). Read-Out of Single-Photon Quantum Walks on a Polymer Photonic Chip. IEEE Photonics 1-8