
All Topic / 2024

N.Shettell, Kai Sheng Lee, Fong En Oon, E. Maksimova, C. Hufnagel, Shengji Wei, R. Dumke (2024). Geophysical survey based on Hybrid Gravimetry using Relative Measurements and an Atomic Gravimeter as an Absolute Reference. Scientific Reports 14 6511
Adrian Copetudo, Clara Yun Fontaine, Fernando Valadares, Y.Gao (2024). Shaping photons: Quantum information processing with bosonic cQED. Applied Physics Letters 124 080502
J.S.Hwang (2024). Daytime radiative cooling under extreme weather conditions. Advanced Energy & Sustainability Research
Sen Mu, Jiangbin Gong, Gabriel Lemarie (2024). Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Physics in the Density Fluctuations of Localized Two-Dimensional Wave Packets. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 046301
J. Du, George F. R. Chen, Hongwei Gao, James A. Grieve, Dawn T. H. Tan, A. Ling (2024). Demonstration of a low loss, highly stable and re-useable edge coupler for high heralding efficiency and low g(2)(0) SOI correlated photon pair sources. Optics Express 32 11406-11418
Khoi-Nguyen Huynh-Vu, Zaw Lin Htoo, V. Scarani (2024). Certification of genuine multipartite entanglement in spin ensembles with measurements of total angular momentum. Phys. Rev. A 109 042402
X.J.Yeo, Eva Ernst , Alvin Leow, J.S.Hwang, L. Shen, C. Kurtsiefer, P.K. Tan (2024). Direct measurement of coherent light proportion from a practical laser source. Phys. Rev. A 109 013706
C.X. Aw, Zaw Lin Htoo, Maria Balanzó-Juandó, V. Scarani (2024). Role of Dilations in Reversing Physical Processes: Tabletop Reversibility and Generalized Thermal Operations. PRX Quantum 5 010332
Xiangjing Liu, Jia Zhian, Yixian Qiu, Fei Li, Oscar Dahlsten (2024). Unification of spatiotemporal quantum formalisms: mapping between process and pseudo-density matrices via multiple-time states. New J. Phys. 26 1-15
M. Tomamichel, Y.L.Hu (2024). Fundamental limits on quantum cloning from the no-signalling principle. Phys. Rev. A 109
M. Tomamichel, Mario Berta (2024). Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities. Comm. Math. Phys. 405
Chanaprom Cholsuk, Mostafa Abasifard, Sebastian Ritter, Josefine Krause, Elisa Da Ros, Tobias Vogl, Joseph Lester, Markus Krutzik, Lukas Wiese, Giacomo Corrielli, Philipp Werner, Julian Bartholomäus, Sven Schwertfeger, A. Ling, Najme Ahmadi, Alexander Lohrmann, Stefan Nolte, Daniel Pardo, Subash Sachidananda, Mustafa Gündoğan, Simone Atzeni, Ria G. Krämer (2024). QUICK$^3$ -- Design of a satellite-based quantum light source for quantum communication and extended physical theory tests in space. Advanced Quantum Technologies 2300343
Marco Fanizza, J. Lumbreras, Andreas Winter (2024). Quantum theory in finite dimension cannot explain every general process with finite memory. Comm. Math. Phys. 405
C.H. Chee, Adrian M. Mak, Daniel Leykam, Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos, D.G. Angelakis (2024). Computing Electronic Correlation Energies using Linear Depth Quantum Circuits. Quantum Science and Technology 9 025003